Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Abide in Jesus

I find today's meditations from WAU very inspiring and meaningful.

John 15:1-8

At first today’s two readings seem like an unusual pairing. On the one hand you have the challenge of the Christians in Antioch, asking whether it was necessary to circumcise the Gentiles and direct them to observe the Mosaic law (Acts 15:6). The apostles and believers were prudently working through some fundamental questions: “What is the heart of the gospel message? How does one experience and secure one’s salvation? What are the real blessings that flow from believing in Jesus?”

But in the Gospel reading, Jesus tells his disciples that only by remaining in him could they bear much fruit. Not only those who follow the Mosaic law but indeed all people are invited to be saved through faith in Jesus.

It appears that by the time of John’s Gospel, written at least ten years after Acts, the questions posed by today’s first reading had been resolved: We must remain in Jesus. We must learn to abide in his love and in his salvation. We must find in his sacrifice on the cross all that we need for our forgiveness and redemption. Apart from him we can do nothing.

Perhaps you have asked yourself the very same questions that the Antiochian Christians contemplated. What does it mean to believe in Jesus? What are the blessings that come from faith in Christ? And what are the responsibilities? It is good to challenge your faith with such questions. Like the Christians in the first reading, we should look for answers where there are gaps in our understanding. Perhaps such questions are stirring in your mind right now. Don’t be surprised. The Christian faith is so deep and so full of treasures that we will never exhaust its riches.

What steps can you take this Easter season to help answer these questions and deepen your relationship with Christ? Is there a pastor you can talk to, a Bible study or Catechism class you can attend? Perhaps you can find extra time for prayer and meditation. Whatever you do, stay close to Jesus. Abide in him, and you will bear much fruit.

“Lord Jesus, I don’t have all the answers, but you do. Send your Spirit to illuminate and inspire me. Keep me firmly rooted and grounded in you, for without you I am nothing.”

Acts 15:1-6; Psalm 122:1-5

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