Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Unintentional Evangelists

Today I joined about 60 ++ chuch goers to Port Dickson for some sort of church visitation.

It turned out to be an unexpected and unintentional form of evangelisation.

The church we visited in Port Dickson was a small one, with mostly a Tamil-speaking congregation. The purpose we were there was to visit mandarin-speaking parishoners who haven't went to church for a long time.

As we visited those parishoners based on the house address provided in an old database, it was quite disheartening to see a couple of them no longer practising their faith, turning to other beliefs. Most of them still are believers, but an eye opener was this : one of the main reasons why they stopped going to church was because there wasn't a mandarin-speaking mass for them to attend in the first place.

Some were actually very happy to find out that currently a Chinese priest was recently assigned to their church, and that he could speak in Mandarin as well. Apart from today, the only other mass celebrated in Mandarin was during Chinese New Year itself. Our visitation brings them hope that one day the Mandarin-speaking congregation would be established once again.

I'm glad to be part of this group today, and it is another item I can offer up to in my prayers. Amen.

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