Thursday, March 15, 2012

Concerns of The Heart

I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still  talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers.  ~ Isaiah 65:24

Literally, I had no agenda. Many things had been on my mind, though.  Several situations I’d been mulling over. A few people that had been especially on my heart. Some unresolved issues stewing in the back corners of my brain.

So, I had no agenda when we went to this church for an evening service of refreshing and renewing. I just know that there would be a time to be quiet and be still before the Lord.

With beautiful music in the background, I began to zone out, let my mind wander. As I was still, sitting there, I felt so thankful to be in the presence of the Lord. God began to whisper softly to me, not in an audible voice, but ever so gently. He began addressing one by one the concerns of my heart. Gradually I began to be aware that He was sharing with me direction and answers to these unspoken concerns.

Later, I thought about how amazing God is. Amazing God! Amazing grace! How good to remember that God knows our deepest needs and desires before they are even fully formed in our minds, or on our lips. And, that in His time, the perfect time, He will answer the concerns of our hearts. Even if we have ‘no agenda’.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for sharing the Word, the wisdom, the love of our heavenly Father with us. In the name of Jesus! Amen.

By Sally I Kennedy

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