Sunday, April 05, 2009

Reflections on Palm Sunday

Just got back from Palm Sunday Mass.

Today's Gospel reading is from Mark 14:1 - 15:47

Two key points struck me most during this reading :

1) "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." (v38)

Jesus knew what is coming, yet his disciples were not able to be by his side, praying with him. He even asked Peter to wake up and pray he won't fall into temptation, but yet Peter couldn't do it. As a result, we read about his betrayal before coming to realisation during the 2nd cock's crow. He was just not strong enough.

I have been like Peter many times, always say "Yes!" to Jesus, but in the end, it was laziness, excuses and other priorities that I put Jesus in to my 'Later' list. As a result I fumbled in understanding and exploring my own faith.

2) "Crucify him!" (v13 - 14)

The crowd shouted "Crucify him!" twice. The second one I find it the key message, as it represented complete rejection of Jesus even after Pilate asking them again. In our modern day, we shout "Crucify him!" many times, in many different ways - compromising our faith with superstitious thinking, foregoing prayer time over other leisurely activities. We too are murderers of Christ although not in physical form, as we have rejected him time and again.

Dear Lord, help me to be stronger in my faith, and not to be weak due to our human nature. Be with me throughout my journey with you, even if I stumble and fall. Amen.

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