Saturday, November 25, 2006

Where art thou, Holy Spirit?

Someone I knew from an AOG church claims that the Holy Spirit must be present in the church, for it to be truly recognised as a church, which is why they place so much emphasis on speaking in tongues.

I pondered at this statement. It is so unfortunate that one needs to see to believe. Doesn't it sound like Doubting Thomas?

I believe the Holy Spirit is omnipresent in all churches or congregations, where many come to worship and praise God. It not necessarily needs to come in forms of speaking in tongues.

My personal experience is each time we sing "Glory to God in the Highest..." or "Alleluia" during the gospel acclaimation. I can feel the Holy Spirit soaring inside me, and I tremble while singing the praises out loud. I can hear the angels singing together, and that the Holy Spirit is present in the church. It has been a very touching experience. I wasn't too sure when did I felt it, but each time now I am more concious, and pay more attention in church.

There was also a lady who testified, when she was in church and they sang, "Glory, Glory, Glory" she saw angels and saints, and a vision of a chariot entering the church during the consecration of the Eucharist. To her, the vision was just too awesome and touching.

It is a pity for many Catholic who does not feel it while in church. Sunday mass is just another procedure. You sing, you sit, you stand, you wait to receive communion without realising the grace and glory of our God, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

I pray that more Catholics will open up to the mass, see beyond it as a weekly procedure and experience the true meaning of the Eucharist, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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